Friday, January 9, 2009

Nothing Torn.

The docs at physical therapy examined my MRI. Nothing torn. Nothing broken. Just a little swelling under the patella (knee cap).

I've done two sessions of PT this week thus far. Between the shock treatments and the ultrasound, it has been helping quite a bit.

I've been to my new gym (Fitness 19) twice this week. The weight is still way up though (as I sit here eating my sausage and cheese calzone). I am at about 168 right now.

I attended the group's voting for the yearly awards. I have to admit I was a bit uncomfortable when it came to voting for the finalists in the mens category, especially when one of the two finalist was myself. Personally, I don't believe that the voting should be done out in the open as it breeds immodesty among one's peers. The voting, should be private and anonymous. Again, I believe that the club is somewhat disorganized in the way this is handled. No surprise here though. It's been several months since I have been advocating that the website that Bonnie controls be modified, but it is still a sloppy mess, and probably will be for a long, long time.

I saw a movie this week, "Slumdog Millionaire". Easily this (or last) year's best.

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