Friday, November 30, 2007

Paco Lopez (1944-2007)

(picture to follow)

Paco Lopez grew up in the blessed city of Malaga, Spain. Unlike perhaps some of his friends, Paco loved the United States of America, and all of its offerings, and came here a long time ago to fulfill his dream. He called the Cleveland area his home, but never be fooled....In Paco's heart, I doubt that a day would go by where he didn't long for those beautiful Andulusian sunsets, and the laid back and peaceful surroundings of the Costa.

In many ways, Paco reminded me of the late and great Jackie Gleason. He always had a great command of his appreciative audience, and was liked incredibly well by all. Physically he was a big man, with even a bigger heart. I would like to try and avoid cliches, but Paco was a rare breed that truly possessed a heart of gold that could fill an entire room.

Paco Lopez passed to join the angels today. He was 64.

Paco was one of the very few people that continued to be a true friend after my father retired from Iberia Airlines. Where many of his "so-called" friends were by his side during all of the good times, Paco was there during all of his times, good and bad.

To say he was just one of my father's best friends however, would be like giving you just one ingredient in a Paella. I can remember on numerous occasion Paco keeping my grandfather close company, talking wonderful stories about Spain to him. All my Uncles knew him well too, and love him as such. I personally knew Paco Lopez too. All I can say is that I was left wanting to know him even more. I guess that's true of anyone who was as good and down-to-earth guy as he was. Paco was not just a good and close friend of my father's. He was a good and close friend of our family.

His absence from today onward will be sorely missed by all of us who loved him so, and his infectious smile, wonderful sense of humor, and his ability to roar and rule the jungle like no other, will forever be lovingly etched in our precious memories of him.

Paco Lopez, we love you and wish you all the best.

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