Monday, January 7, 2008

Unusually Warm and Blechhh....New Jersey (Fantasy Only)

I actually ran in shorts outside today around my office.
If I had stopped at just that, most people would be calling Creedmoor.
However, it was really warm outside today (56F) and I needed to get a run in.
I am behind the pace bunny in Running Ahead. But I will get there.

In the meantime, here's where I am now....

State: New Jersey
Location: Secaucus Junction
Near: Laurel Hill Park & Secaucus Junction Rail Crossing
Mile: 17.6
Reaction to Location: Blecchhh!!!

This is the Frank Lautenberg Secaucus Railway interchange. I am about few hundred yards from this photo.
The view from Laurel Hill Park towards Manhattan looks omnious, almost apocalyptic in fact.

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