Racing On The Boulevard of Death...
It's called the Boulevard of Death because of all of the pedestrians that have been mowed down by careless drivers. It is Queens Boulevard. And it is in the heart of Queens.
If I didn't mention this before, Queens Boulevard is very near and dear to me as well. I grew up in Queens for good portions of my life. I frequented the boulevard for everything ranging from going to the ShopQuik to get my mother a quart of milk, to getting my wisdom teeth pulled, to running the New York City Marathon, and beyond. I've held two jobs located on Queens Boulevard, met women on Queens Boulevard, and had fights with kids on Queens Boulevard. I had my confirmation at a church on Queens Boulevard, and graduated from elementary school on Queens Boulevard (well it was really Austin Street, but hey, I could see my classroom windows from Queens Boulevard!). I even played my first game of pool at JCs on Queens Boulevard, and when I was a kid, I once attempted to steal baseball cards from Queens Boulevard (I was coaxed into being the 'lookout' by Micahel Mancino...long story). I also threw eggs with Billy Hodge from the roof of his apartment building from Queens Boulevard. Lots of 'em. About 10 dozen eggs, all taken carefully out of their cartons, placed in a corrugated cardboard box, and them dumped over the roof, making a real mess of things on the street and parked cars below (because I was no angel at the age of 13). Anyway, you get the point.I raced today. Raced as fast as I could. It was a wonderful run. Everything was synched up perfectly. I hit all the green lights, and rarely had to stop at all. Of course, when I had to, I did stop my watch.
I normally consider any run under 9 minutes per mile to be tempo. But when I go under 8 minutes and 16 seconds a mile, then it's a race in my book. One day I will tell you why 8 minutes 16 seconds is so important to me.....But not now.
Here were my splits (with comments) :
Intervals (Normal 1 Mile Intervals)
M# Time Total Pace Notes
1 9:12.3 9:12.3 Always best to start out slow. Let the heart/lungs get into its rhythm.
1 8:28.1 17:40.4 And we're off....
1 8:26.0 26:06.4 Woodhaven Blvd. Uphill a bit..
1 7:50.5 33:56.9 Coasting through to Queens Blvd & Rego Park.
1 7:52.0 41:48.9 Great attack of the long uphill past the 3 buildings of the evil empire.
1 7:12.7 49:01.6 Blazing speed through Forest Hills!!!
1 7:02.0 56:03.6 Absolutely ridiculous pace to between Continental Ave. & home!!!
.1 0.05m 0:15.7 Downhill sprint on Lefferts. Nearly suicidal!! (5:14 pace!!!)
Tomorrow, since I will be off, I will do the long run in Port Washington.
1 comment:
So you were not angel at the age of 13,eh? I hope you have repented from throwing eggs from high above into Queens Blvd. You contributed towards the ugliness of Queens Blvd, sorry to say! I worked in Queens Blvd for many years and I hated it. Especially when I had to go down from the building to change my car because of the stupid alternate side of the street traffic regulations. Obviously the streets needed cleaning every day, but the system was imposed with the only purpose of making money for the city, and mainly to provide a sadistic pleasure to the ticket officer on duty. Thus...some loved Queens Blvd. Not me!
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